Hi there. A first-pass list of summit sessions is up at: https://wiki.linaro.org/MichaelHope/Sandbox/1111Blueprints
The next step is to investigate these areas and come up with a basic plan that can be discussed during the summit.
I've put your names against the sessions as follows:
Andrew: Broad tuning Dave: String routines everywhere Dave: QEMU topic #2 Doug: STM support Ira: Vectoriser and NEON performance Ken: 64 bit sync primitives Ken: Good backtracing Ken: End-developer tools bluesky Michael: Publish benchmarking of the toolchain Michael: Binary builds Michael: Deeper validation Peter: QEMU bluesky Ramana: Thumb-2 performance brainstorm Ramana: GCC backend rework Ulrich: GDB as a cross-debugger
Ira and Dave, I know you won't be at the summit but we'll see about being able to call in.
Could you all please have a read of the outline, investigate these topics, and draft up a blueprint-style list of work items to achieve it? Record any notes in the sandbox page[5] or in a child page if needed. Larger topics may warrant a specification[1].
I'd like these done by the end of next week. I'd expect to spend up to a day on the topics you already understand and more on broad topics.
For reference, the see the draft TRs[2] and spreadsheet [3]. I've added some GDB topics to the spreadsheet that still need to go onto the wiki page.
The outlines should touch each of these TRs in some way so let me know if I've missed anything.
There's more good information on the process and style at: https://wiki.linaro.org/Process/Blueprints https://wiki.linaro.org/Process/WorkItemsHowto https://wiki.linaro.org/Resources/FAQ
Questions? Need more detail? Let me know.
-- Michael
[1] https://wiki.linaro.org/Process/SpecTemplate [2] https://wiki.linaro.org/Cycles/1111/TechnicalTopics/Toolchain [3] https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Ap7fWLePADFVdHkxYy1INTZmMEd4bkwxSGs... [4] there is no 4... [5] https://wiki.linaro.org/MichaelHope/Sandbox/1111Blueprints