+++ Marcin Juszkiewicz [2010-07-15 09:59 +0200]:
As some of you know I came to Linaro from OpenEmbedded project. In OE we cross compiled by default and to make it more easy we had one nice addon to gcc.
When host includes were used gcc errored out with "CROSS COMPILE BADNESS: /usr/include used" style message. Patch is present in metadata:
http://cgit.openembedded.org/cgit.cgi/openembedded/tree/recipes/gcc/gcc-4.4.... no-host-includes.patch
That is a good idea but if multiarch paths are used for headers then that is not usually an error. (most headers are arch all anyway so will/can be shared). Debian is different to OE in that only packages in version sync with host can be cross-built (in multiarch method), so shared headers is OK. Obviously headers that are actually arch-independent have different paths and chaeck for those would be very handy.