Progress: * VIRT-49, VIRT-50 [cp15 migration, reset] ** last bits of patch cleanup complete; realised I could test KVM migration without any timer or vgic patches; did so and sent first version of patches out to qemu-devel * VIRT-55: ** started to draft basic notes on what we want to test: * misc ** reviewed Huawei's aarch64 tcg target patches; there are some issues they need to fix but overall looking good ** fixed a last-minute bug in the versatilepb PCI controller model (some changes we made earlier in the release cycle wouldn't work with newer Linux kernels)
Plans: * deal with any code review feedback on patchset * set up a raring/aarch64 cross build environment (got partway through this, waiting for wookey to update some packages) * more in-depth review/test of John Rigby's mach-virt, aarch64 patchsets * VIRT-55: write up how to test migration (and talk to Andre about what he's doing testing-wise)
-- PMM