== Issue == * none
== Progress ==
o Upstream GCC (7/10) * [TCWG-762] - GCC Maintenance - PR65648 (ARMv6 IRA clobbering issue): Addressed upstream comment - Committed - PR65729 (LRA ICE on arm-linux-gnueabhif): Committed - Fixed testcase for some targets. * [TCWG-785] ARM backend insn cleanup - More cleanup related to type attribute - Analyzing impact on the scheduling (pipeline description)
o Linaro GCC Releases (2/10) * [TCWG-702] Merge FSF 4.9 branch * [TCWG-787] Releases new version numbering * [TCWG-703] Snapshot notes for 2015.04
o Misc (1/10) * Various meetings
== Plan == - Continue TCWG-785