AddressSanitizer: stack-buffer-overflow on address 0xbec57b18 at pc 0x38c651 bp 0xbec579e0 sp 0xbec579e4
AddressSanitizer: stack-buffer-overflow on address 0xbedbae9c at pc 0x6553f bp 0xbedbae68 sp 0xbedbae6c
AddressSanitizer: stack-buffer-overflow on address 0xbea67b18 at pc 0x38cbc5 bp 0xbea679e0 sp 0xbea679e4
AddressSanitizer: stack-buffer-overflow on address 0xbef0fe9c at pc 0x66117 bp 0xbef0fe68 sp 0xbef0fe6c
Are these full backtraces you got from ASan? If so, do you use stripped libraries on your system (on Ubuntu, I guess, you do). Could this issue ( be related to to your problem?
I don't believe the bug report applies...
Here's a crummy work around. First, install Clang on a machine, the do a `which asan_symbolize` if you get lucky, it will be there (I found one on my LeMaker HiKey). SCP it to the machine.
cubietruck:cryptopp$ ./cryptest.exe v 2>&1 | sed 's|/home/jwalton/cryptopp/||g' | asan_symbolize Using seed: 1467414010
Testing Settings...
passed: Your machine is little endian. passed: Your machine allows unaligned data access. passed: sizeof(byte) == 1 passed: sizeof(word16) == 2 passed: sizeof(word32) == 4 passed: sizeof(word64) == 8 passed: sizeof(hword) == 2, sizeof(word) == 4, sizeof(dword) == 8 passed: hasNEON == 1, hasCRC32 == 0, hasAES == 0, hasSHA1 == 0, hasSHA2 == 0 ================================================================= ==3719== ERROR: AddressSanitizer: stack-buffer-overflow on address 0xbebb9ac8 at pc 0x38b99d bp 0xbebb9990 sp 0xbebb9994 WRITE of size 4 at 0xbebb9ac8 thread T0 #0 0x38b99b in _ZN8CryptoPP6FilterC2EPNS_22BufferedTransformationE /home/jwalton/cryptopp/filters.cpp:27 #1 0x38b99b in _ZN8CryptoPP6FilterC2EPNS_22BufferedTransformationE /home/jwalton/cryptopp/filters.cpp:27 ...
I could further pipe it through c++filt, but I have an idea of what to look for.