# Progress #
* TCWG-156, GDB Test-Suite Parity Between Aarch64 and x86_64. Done. [4/10] After two patches are committed, except some tests written for x86_64 unnecessarily, the test results between aarch64 and x86_64 looks no difference. * TCWG-424, timeout when interrupt the inferior in remote debugging. [3/10] The fail is caused by different two problems. Two patches are ready, and being regression tested. * TCWG-171, Enable gdb core file tests when testing remotely. [1/10] Write down my conclusion as it can't be fixed.
* Upstream review, [2/10] ** Review patch about handling ada aarch64 HVA array in GDB. ** Discuss target description of GDB for cortex-m device with openocd.
# Plan #
* Post patches upstream for TCWG-424, * Patches review. * On holiday since Wed.