Completed merging GCC 4.5 from FSF to Linaro.
Spun release tarballs for Linaro GCC 4.5 and 4.6. Uploaded them to Michael's server, and kicked off the test builds remotely.
Submitted expenses for Linaro Connect.
Finally (!) committed my widening multiplies patches to FSF. :)
Continued trying to figure out what's wrong with my thumb2 constants patches. I think I have identified a possible flaw, but I'm having trouble reproducing the problem as I have been unable to pin down a specific constant/expression combination that makes it through all the other optimizations intact, and triggers the problem. I've not run out of idea yet though ...
* Other
On leave all day Wednesday.
Prepared for the big CodeSourcery to Mentor switch-over by moving all my work-in-progress data over to the new servers.