# Progress #
* TCWG-545, 7 patches are approved, and 1 patch needs update, which needs the change somewhere else. [3/10] * TCWG-547, patch is pending. Pinged Pedro on IRC, to be reviewed, but no response. * TCWG-167, [3/10]. ARM reverse debugging fixes. Post one patch to fix test case. Testing another patch to give high priority of epilogue unwinder. * Upstream patch review, [2/10]. Spend more time on this due to long patch review backlog. The more I reviewed, the sooner my patches will be reviewed by others.
* Misc, [2/10] ** Look at the slowness of gdb regression test in jekins validation, but can't reproduce it. ** Share some knowledge of watchpoint implementation in GDB to the people, who need the equivalent or similar things in LLDB.
# Plan #
* TCWG-545, TCWG-547, TCWG-167.