On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 4:52 AM, Revital1 Eres ERES@il.ibm.com wrote:
Hello Michael,
Thanks for your reply.
I have another question regarding the testing process - what is the set of languages that is acceptable to test with 'make check' on ARM machine?
I'm happy with C and C++. The continuous build also does objc, obj-c++, and fortran. It really should include java as well.
Also - regarding EEMBC on ARM: has anyone tuned the number of iterations each benchmark should run? Currently, a default number of iterations is used (for example, in iterationsx86.mak file) and from my experiments it seems to produce unstable results.
I've tuned the DENBench numbers so that each test takes 20 s on an A9. That seemed right to me. I'll send you a copy off-list.
-- Michael