On 17/11/10 03:35, Michael Hope wrote:
There's two open questions:
- How easy is it to frequently merge in SVN? It used to be terrible
as you had to manually track the merges. These days can you do a 'svn merge trunk' and have it just work?
Subversion 1.5 supports merging that appears to be equivalent to bzr merging (within SVN's somewhat different concept of branching), and should do the job nicely.
See http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.5/svn.branchmerge.basicmerging.html
It does not appear to require all users to have version 1.5, but all the users doing merges must have it. (I use version 1.6.12, at present).
- Can we host the consolidation branch (the one we do monthly
releases from) in SVN as well?
As Mark said, creating the branch is not a problem as long as all our patches are free of legal issues.