During Connect the suggestion was made that each working group should have
its own IRC Channel for discussions and topics relating to the group in
particular (as opposed to #linaro which is 'generic' Linaro conversations).
Therefore I have just set up #linaro-tcwg on Freenode for the Toolchain
Working Group.
This channel is public and open to anyone who wants to talk with the TCWG
group about anything toolchain related.
Matthew Gretton-Dann
Toolchain Working Group, Linaro
== Progress ==
* Performance (CARD-1832 1/10)
- Checking differences of PostRAListSched on OOO ARM cores
- Not many changes, ignoring for now
* Maintenance (CARD-1833 4/10)
- Building libc++/abi/unwind in LLVM/Clang tree
- Getting -Wa,-mfpu patches in, last important Clang driver ARM bug
- Some patches to get libunwind and libc++ to compile in-tree on ARM
- Fixed native sub-features detection (
* Background (5/10)
- Code review, meetings, discussions, etc.
- Long discussions about TargetTuple/TargetParser/Triple
- Lots of patch reviews this week (I mean, *A LOT*)
- Moving some machines around, checking for Chromebook batteries
- Setting up cross-builder using multiarch / QEMU
- Some future planning
== Plan ==
* Look for some more performance issues in 3.7
* Try to hook up the cross-builder
* Investigate libc++ check-all failures
Benchmark infrastructure - TCWG-360 [8/10]
* Testing found many problems in multinode
* Iterating to solutions
Misc [2/10]
Holiday next week.
Then back to fixing multinode, incorporating into jenkins, noise
control experiments
Hi Linaro Toolchain Group,
I am building a native toolchain for aarch64 with below configurations:
--build=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --host=aarch64-linux-gnu
In copy_gcc_libs_to_sysroot() - which copy libgcc.a to sysroot, current
implementation try to find the absolute path of libgcc.a as below :
But above line will not execute (i.e. gcc -print-file-name) on x86_64 as
the toolchain is native toolchain for aarch64-linux-gnu. Thus a infinite
loop will be created in copy command i.e. copying directory x in x.
however, when I hard coded the libgcc.a path in my machine (as below),
everything went fine.
I think this is a bug in ABE build infrastructure.
with regards,
Virendra Kumar Pathak
* TCWG-806, aarch64 remote debugging multi-arch support. [4/10]
Patches are done. Need to test them and polish them.
Fix various multi-arch issues when --wrapper is used in GDBserver.
Patches are pushed in to mainline.
Could you describe this activity in more detail?
Is the goal here to support mixed aarch32/aarch64 in the same GDB binary
and detect the change at runtime?
== Progress ==
* Factor conversion out of COND_EXPR - TCWG-849 (5/10)
- Iterated through the review and more testing
* Looked at widening pass and the test-case from Wilco (1/10)
* Misc (2/10)
- Connect slides.
- gcc-patches, gcc-bugs list
- Meetings
* Sick (2/10)
== Plan ==
- GCC Bugs
- Widening pass
- Linaro bug 1318